Margin Trade Order Event

Margin Trade Order Event
  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/margin/loan:BTC",
  "subject": "",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "currency": "BTC", //Currency
    "orderId": "ac928c66ca53498f9c13a127a60e8", //Trade ID
    "dailyIntRate": 0.0001, //Daily interest rate.
    "term": 7, //Term (Unit: Day)
    "size": 1, //Size
    "side": "lend", //Lend or borrow. Currently, only "Lend" is available
    "ts": 1553846081210004941 //Timestamp (nanosecond)

Topic: /margin/loan:{currency}

The system will push this message to the lenders when the order enters the order book.

Margin Order Update Event
  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/margin/loan:BTC",
  "subject": "order.update",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "currency": "BTC", //Currency
    "orderId": "ac928c66ca53498f9c13a127a60e8", //Order ID
    "dailyIntRate": 0.0001, //Daily Interest Rate
    "term": 7, //Term (Unit: Day)
    "size": 1, //Size
    "lentSize": 0.5, //Size executed
    "side": "lend", //Lend or borrow. Currently, only "Lend" is available
    "ts": 1553846081210004941 //Timestamp (nanosecond)

Topic: /margin/loan:{currency}

The system will push this message to the lenders when the order is executed.

Margin Order Done Event
  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/margin/loan:BTC",
  "subject": "order.done",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "currency": "BTC", //Currency
    "orderId": "ac928c66ca53498f9c13a127a60e8", //Order ID
    "reason": "filled", //Done reason (filled or canceled)
    "side": "lend", //Lend or borrow. Currently, only "Lend" is available
    "ts": 1553846081210004941 //Timestamp (nanosecond)

Topic: /margin/loan:{currency}

The system will push this message to the lenders when the order is completed.