Place Multiple Orders

This endpoint supports sequential batch order placement from a single endpoint. A maximum of 5orders can be placed simultaneously. The order types must be limit orders of the same trading pair (this endpoint currently only supports spot trading and does not support margin trading).

This endpoint only supports order placement requests. To obtain the results of the order placement, you will need to check the order status or subscribe to websocket to obtain information about he order.


POST /api/v1/hf/orders/multi


POST /api/v1/hf/orders/multi

  "orderList": [
      "clientOid": "3d07008668054da6b3cb12e432c2b13a",
      "side": "buy",
      "type": "limit",
      "price": "0.01",
      "size": "1",
      "symbol": "ETH-USDT"
      "clientOid": "37245dbe6e134b5c97732bfb36cd4a9d",
      "side": "buy",
      "type": "limit",
      "price": "0.01",
      "size": "1",
      "symbol": "ETH-USDT"
  "success": true,
  "code": "200",
  "msg": "success",
  "retry": false,
  "data": [
      "orderId": "641d669c9ca34800017a2a3c",
      "success": true
      "orderId": "641d669c9ca34800017a2a45",
      "success": true

This endpoint requires the Spot Trading permission.


This endpoint support Spot URL


Spot weight:1

Param Type Mandatory Description
clientOid String No Client Order Id,unique identifier created by the user, the use of UUID is recommended
symbol String Yes symbol, such as, ETH-BTC
type String Yes Order type limit and market
timeInForce String No GTC, GTT, IOC, or FOK (default is GTC).
stp String No self trade prevention, is divided into CN, CO, CB , and DC strategies
side String Yes buy(buy) or sell(sell)
price String Yes Specify price for currency
size String Yes Specify quantity for currency
cancelAfter long No Cancels in n seconds, with GTT as the time in force strategy
postOnly boolean No Post only identifier, invalid when the time in force strategy is IOC or FOK
hidden boolean No Hidden or not (not shown in order book)
iceberg boolean No Whether or not only visible portions of orders are shown in iceberg orders
visibleSize String No Maximum visible quantity in iceberg orders
tags String No The order identifier length cannot exceed 20 characters(ASCII)
remark String No Order placement remarks, length cannot exceed 20 characters (ASCII)
Param Description
status Order creation results (success, fail)
failMsg Reason of failure