Get Active HF Orders List

This interface is to obtain all active hf margin order lists, and the return value of the active order interface is the paged data of all uncompleted order lists. The returned data is sorted in descending order according to the latest update time of the order.

After the user successfully places an order, the order is in Active state, and the user can use inOrderBook to determine whether the order has entered the order. Canceled or fully filled orders are marked as completed Done status.

There is no time limit for querying orders in the "active" state.


GET /api/v3/hf/margin/orders/active?tradeType={tradeType}&symbol={symbol}


GET /api/v3/hf/margin/orders/active?tradeType=MARGIN_TRADE&symbol=BTC-ETH

    "code" : "200000",
    "data" : [
        "id": "5c35c02703aa673ceec2a168",
        "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
        "opType": "DEAL",
        "type": "limit",
        "side": "buy",
        "price": "10",
        "size": "2",
        "funds": "0",
        "dealFunds": "0.166",
        "dealSize": "2",
        "fee": "0",
        "feeCurrency": "USDT",
        "stp": "",
        "timeInForce": "GTC",
        "postOnly": false,
        "hidden": false,
        "iceberg": false,
        "visibleSize": "0",
        "cancelAfter": 0,
        "channel": "IOS",
        "clientOid": "",
        "remark": "",
        "tags": "",
        "active": true,
        "inOrderBook": true,
        "cancelExist": false,
        "createdAt": 1547026471000,
        "lastUpdatedAt": 1547026471001,
        "tradeType": "MARGIN_TRADE"

This endpoint requires the General permission.


This endpoint support Spot URL


Spot weight:4

Param Type Mandatory Description
symbol String Yes Only returns order information for the specified trading pair
tradeType String Yes Order type: MARGIN_TRADE - cross margin trading order, MARGIN_ISOLATED_TRADE - isolated margin trading order
Param Description
id Order id,a unique identifier pertaining to the order
symbol Trading pair
opType Operation type: DEAL
type Order type
side Buy or sell
price Order price
size Order size
funds Order amount
dealFunds Number of filled funds
dealSize Number of filled transactions
fee Service fee
feeCurrency currency used to calculate fees
stp self trade prevention
timeInForce Time in force
postOnly Is it post only?
hidden Is it a hidden order?
iceberg Is it an iceberg order?
visibleSize Visible size of iceberg order in order book.
cancelAfter A GTT timeInForce that expires in n seconds
channel Source of orders
clientOid Identifier created by the client
remark Order description
tags Order identifier
active Order status: true-The status of the order isactive; false-The status of the order isdone
inOrderBook Whether to enter the orderbook: true: enter the orderbook; false: not enter the orderbook
cancelExist Are there any cancellation records pertaining to the order?
createdAt order creation time
lastUpdatedAt Last update time of order
tradeType Transaction type: MARGIN_TRADE - cross margin trading order, MARGIN_ISOLATED_TRADE - isolated margin trading order
Order Polling

For high-frequency margin trading users, we recommend locally caching, maintaining your own order records, and using market data streams to update your order information in real time.