Get Currency List

Request via this endpoint to get the currency list.


Not all currencies currently can be used for trading.


GET /api/v3/currencies


GET /api/v3/currencies

  "code": "200000",
  "data": [
      "currency": "BTC",
      "name": "BTC",
      "fullName": "Bitcoin",
      "precision": 8,
      "confirms": null,
      "contractAddress": null,
      "isMarginEnabled": true,
      "isDebitEnabled": true,
      "chains": [
          "chainName" : "BTC",
          "withdrawalMinFee" : "0.001",
          "withdrawalMinSize" : "0.0012",
          "withdrawFeeRate" : "0",
          "depositMinSize" : "0.0002",
          "isWithdrawEnabled" : true,
          "isDepositEnabled" : true,
          "preConfirms" : 1,
          "contractAddress" : "",
          "chainId" : "btc",
          "confirms" : 3
          "chainName" : "KCC",
          "withdrawalMinFee" : "0.00002",
          "withdrawalMinSize" : "0.0008",
          "withdrawFeeRate" : "0",
          "depositMinSize" : null,
          "isWithdrawEnabled" : true,
          "isDepositEnabled" : true,
          "preConfirms" : 20,
          "contractAddress" : "0xfa93c12cd345c658bc4644d1d4e1b9615952258c",
          "chainId" : "kcc",
          "confirms" : 20
          "chainName" : "BTC-Segwit",
          "withdrawalMinFee" : "0.0005",
          "withdrawalMinSize" : "0.0008",
          "withdrawFeeRate" : "0",
          "depositMinSize" : "0.0002",
          "isWithdrawEnabled" : false,
          "isDepositEnabled" : true,
          "preConfirms" : 2,
          "contractAddress" : "",
          "chainId" : "bech32",
          "confirms" : 2

This endpoint support Spot URL


Public weight:3

Param Description
currency A unique currency code that will never change
name Currency name, will change after renaming
fullName Full name of a currency, will change after renaming
precision Currency precision
confirms Number of block confirmations
contractAddress Contract address
isMarginEnabled Support margin or not
isDebitEnabled Support debit or not
chains chain list
chainId chain of currency
chainName chain name of currency
depositMinSize Minimum deposit amount
depositFeeRate deposit fee rate (some currencies have this param, the default is empty)
withdrawalMinSize Minimum withdrawal amount
withdrawalMinFee Minimum fees charged for withdrawal
isWithdrawEnabled Support withdrawal or not
isDepositEnabled Support deposit or not
confirms Number of block confirmations
preConfirms The number of blocks (confirmations) for advance on-chain verification
withdrawFeeRate withdraw fee rate
withdrawMaxFee withdraw max fee(some currencies have this param, the default is empty)

Currency codes will conform to the ISO 4217 standard where possible. Currencies which have or had no representation in ISO 4217 may use a custom code.

Code Description
BTC Bitcoin
ETH Ethereum
KCS Kucoin Shares

For a coin, the "currency" is a fixed value and works as the only recognized identity of the coin. As the "name", "fullnane" and "precision" of a coin are modifiable values, when the "name" of a coin is changed, you should use "currency" to get the coin.

For example: The "currency" of XRB is "XRB", if the "name" of XRB is changed into "Nano", you should use "XRB" (the currency of XRB) to search the coin.