Add Margin Manually


POST /api/v1/position/margin/deposit-margin


POST /api/v1/position/margin/deposit-margin

  "id": "6200c9b83aecfb000152ddcd",
  "symbol": "XBTUSDTM",
  "autoDeposit": false,
  "maintMarginReq": 0.005,
  "riskLimit": 500000,
  "realLeverage": 18.72,
  "crossMode": false,
  "delevPercentage": 0.66,
  "openingTimestamp": 1646287090131,
  "currentTimestamp": 1646295055021,
  "currentQty": 1,
  "currentCost": 43.388,
  "currentComm": 0.0260328,
  "unrealisedCost": 43.388,
  "realisedGrossCost": 0.0,
  "realisedCost": 0.0260328,
  "isOpen": true,
  "markPrice": 43536.65,
  "markValue": 43.53665,
  "posCost": 43.388,
  "posCross": 2.4985e-5,
  "posInit": 2.1694,
  "posComm": 0.02733446,
  "posLoss": 0.0,
  "posMargin": 2.19675944,
  "posMaint": 0.24861326,
  "maintMargin": 2.34540944,
  "realisedGrossPnl": 0.0,
  "realisedPnl": -0.0260328,
  "unrealisedPnl": 0.14865,
  "unrealisedPnlPcnt": 0.0034,
  "unrealisedRoePcnt": 0.0685,
  "avgEntryPrice": 43388.0,
  "liquidationPrice": 41440.0,
  "bankruptPrice": 41218.0,
  "userId": 1234321123,
  "settleCurrency": "USDT"

This endpoint requires the General permission.


This endpoint support Futures URL


Futures weight:4

Param Type Mandatory Description
symbol String Yes Ticker symbol of the contract
margin Number Yes Margin amount (min. margin amount≥0.00001667XBT)
bizNo String Yes A unique ID generated by the user, to ensure the operation is processed by the system only once, The maximum length cannot exceed 36
Param Description
id Position ID
symbol Symbol of the contract
autoDeposit Auto deposit margin or not
maintMarginReq Maintenance margin requirement
riskLimit Risk limit
realLeverage Leverage o the order
crossMode Cross mode or not
delevPercentage ADL ranking percentile
openingTimestamp Open time
currentTimestamp Current timestamp
currentQty Current postion quantity
currentCost Current postion value
currentComm Current commission
unrealisedCost Unrealised value
realisedGrossCost Accumulated realised gross profit value
realisedCost Current realised position value
isOpen Opened position or not
markPrice Mark price
markValue Mark value
posCost Position value
posCross added margin
posInit Leverage margin
posComm Bankruptcy cost
posLoss Funding fees paid out
posMargin Position margin
posMaint Maintenance margin
maintMargin Position margin
realisedGrossPnl Accumulated realised gross profit value
realisedPnl Realised profit and loss
unrealisedPnl Unrealised profit and loss
unrealisedPnlPcnt Profit-loss ratio of the position
unrealisedRoePcnt Rate of return on investment
avgEntryPrice Average entry price
liquidationPrice Liquidation price
bankruptPrice Bankruptcy price
settleCurrency Currency used to clear and settle the trades
userId userId